Sunday, December 23, 2012


A few things that make me, me.

I adore my family.  I was literally born into the perfect family for me.  I think what makes my family so great is that we just hang out together.   
We value each other.
We are not afraid to be honest with each other. 
We believe that life is fun and that moments should be made into memories.

Moments should be captured.

I have a deep faith in God.  I am not as open in talking about this as I should be.  But I do think deeply about spiritual things.  I actually ponder a lot of things that I do not talk about.  I am most thankful for grace.  There but for the grace of God, go I.  Sometimes, when I am talking to myself it becomes there but for the grace of God, goes Sarah.  And I believe that with all of my heart.

I am a social worker in a nursing home.  I work primarily with people who have dementia, mostly of the Alzheimer's type. 
These people have my heart, no doubt about it. 
There is no other place more richly filled with love, laughter, and joy...but if I'm honest, also tears and sadness. 
But it is the good kind of sadness.  If that's possible?  The sadness that comes when you dedicate your days to the most fragile and frail among us, knowing you did your best to care for their every need and fulfill their desires, laughing with them...

knowing them...

...and knowing they will not be with you long. 
And all we have will be the memories of how they made our lives better. And the hope we did the same for them.  Noone knows this better than those of us who work with the elderly.  I think we have a pretty good idea of how life works, or at least how it ends.  And how it should be lived at the end.  Nursing homes are one of the most misunderstood places.  Ask me questions, I would be glad to clear up any misperceptions you may have.  Maybe that will be another post.

I love coffee shops.
I do my best thinking, writing and reading accompanied by a white chocolate mocha and a serenade by Jack Johnson.
I love people.  People make me laugh and they make me sad.  They annoy me and frustrate me. They make me think and they make me wonder.  They disappoint me and they make me proud.People should be appreciated.
People make up everything that is good and bad about this world. 
I hope I do not always surround myself with the good people, because sometimes it takes the bad to help you more clearly see what is right.

I want to leave this world, at least my little part of it, better and more filled with good, than I found it.  And if people learn from my mistakes, I would be okay with that too.

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